Some of my favorite music!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

More Twilight!!

Okay so I have to post this real quick. Any Twilight fans go to Stephanie Meyers website. Read when you have lots and lots of time. Needless to say I was up till two and still did not finish. Neal is out of town so I am usually up pretty late anyways, but I did not plan on staying up so late. It took all my willpower to close my computer. It's sad she felt like she had to post it. I hope she does end up publishing Midnight Sun someday. It would be neat to put up on the shelf. Happy Reading!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh the joys of going back to school!

What a crazy week we have had! Thank goodness the end is near. My parent's will be here Friday night so I am excited about that, but Neal is leaving in the morning till Sunday so it will be a little lonely around here. Okay back to our crazy week. Landon got sick on Sunday. High fever, yucky throat, won't eat. Aliya broke out with a ton of cold sores in her mouth so she wasn't eating or sleeping because she was in so much pain. Last night I decide to take Landon in to the doctor because I was about done with him just following me around all day whining. (Hmmm.....I should really write this when I am not tired and irritated so I am a little more simpathetic.) I decide to take Aliya in also. Landon has strep and Aliya has a herpies type virus. He gives us prescritions and sends us home. This morning Grant wakes up with a fever and weird spots all over his hands feet and bum. Oh and guess what, a ton of cold sores in his mouth. I took him in tonight and the doctor determines that Aliya doesn't have a herpies virus, she has Hand Foot and Mouth disease. The doctor changes her diagnosis after he sees Grant. Poor Poor Grant has Strep and Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Landon has a few spots so most likely he has it also. Here is an article I found
I didn't know much about it. Oh the joys of going back to school. Needless to say my house is in the process of being majorly disinfected. The doctor said as long as they don't have a fever they shouldn't be contagious, but the article says they can carry the virus around for weeks. I have supplied all of my kids with sanatizer and am making sure they wash their hands a million times a day. Not sure what else to do. If anyone has experienced this with their kids let me know some ideas.

Here is Landon falling asleep after being in so much pain. Poor guy!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Maybe someday I will get this excited about something other than Twilight!

WoW! That's all I can say! Make sure you pause the music player!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Too Funny!

My friend Shanna sent this to me and I got a big kick out of it. Enjoy Ladies! :) You will probably need to click on some of them to read them.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I hope there is teacher supervision behind those portables!

The first week of school went great! Landon has had a few moments of stress, but has decided that he loves school! He has earned his sticker everyday and in return he earned a half an hour of computer time. :) His teacher is so calm and layed back. I love it! It's exactly the kind of teacher he needs to counteract his "vibrant" personality! He even wanted me to just drop him off at the front of the school with Aliya. What? It's only been two days of watching him on the playground and then walking him to class when the bell rings and now he just wants to do it himself? What a big boy! Aliya has had a good week also. The mornings have been fun trying to drag her out of bed. She has already come home with playground drama. A girl in the class is going on a date with a boy in the class. When I asked where they are going on their date, she said BEHIND THE PORTABLES. Oh my heck! Are you kidding me? The portables?? Did I even know what a date was when I was in third grade? I told her that if a boy asks her to go behind the portables to say "NO WAY"! She said "don't worry Mom, I am way too busy kicking the boys butts in soccer." :) I told Neal this and he sure liked that answer.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First day of school! Wow, I have had this blog for a year now!

It's that time of year again! The time of year where the kids go back to school! I was so ready for school to start this year. The kids have been fighting like crazy and so bored no matter what we did. Aliya started third grade yesterday and Landon started Kindergarten this morning. Tuesday night at about eleven o clock at night, Aliya, after being asleep for about an hour and a half, was walking into the bathroom fully dressed and brushing her hair. Clearly sleep walking, I get her undressed and told her it is not time to wake up for school yet! That girl :)! We sure have some funny stories about all of her sleep walking adventures!!
Very excited to go to school!!

Silly kids!

Here is Landon playing on the playground before school started. Keeping up with all the big kids and following Carter (a first grader) around the whole time. :)

Carter would jump, Landon would jump!

In front of his door!! What a big kid!
Here is Aliya yesterday!! She refuses to wear shorts or any of her short sleeve shirts. It is a 100 degrees outside, crazy girl!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Memory Game"

I have seen this tag going around, so I decided to play along!

I thought this would be fun! I hope you'll play along! Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me a long time or just a little while. Anything you remember!

2. Next,
re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It'll be funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave a memory I have about you. If you don't want to play on your blog or you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Seriously, if you want to be annoyed go on You Tube and watch the Breaking Dawn Reviews. If you haven't finished the book there are spoilers so watch with caution. I feel really bad there were so many people who didn't enjoy this book. Honestly, I think Stephanie Meyer knew that she would not be pleasing everyone, but I really think she wrote the story how she felt it should go. I was very pleased to have some sense of closure at the end. I can't wait to read the series again along with the fourth book!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I hate when I miss cute pictures!

I accidentally left out of the last post this adorable picture of Landon. Look at that water, YUCK!

I also need to post a retraction. The tie I referred to in Landon's Birthday post, was not the dollar tie from the DI we had bought for Halloween one year, it was a tie from one of his missionary companions. Sorry babe for the sarcasm used to describe the situation. :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

When can we go back?

This last weekend Dan and Angie invited us to go to Angie's families cabin. I love it when they invite us. There is no place like it on earth. Such a great relaxing place to be. We joined some of the fireman and their families and had such a great time. I got to know some of the ladies a lot better and really enjoined chatting with them.

Grant very proud of his tower!

Aliya and Savannah having fun with the four wheeler! Neal taught Aliya how to drive this trip. He said she did very well!

Tired girls after a four hour ride!

Neal did a great job at taking pictures! Since I was unable to ride on the four wheeler he really took a ton of pictures so I could see all the fun!

Landon caught a fish! I can't believe he held it!

So cute!

Grant's favorite place to be!

A bee was trying to eat some of Grant's food, out of his mouth! Poor kid was crying and holding the Bee in his fingers saying "The bug bit me" His lip swelled about double what is in this picture. He took some benedryl and it went down after a few hours!

The pictures are out of order I know, but I have done three posts in two days so I am not going to worry about it.
Aliya and Josh enjoying themselves. The fishing was just a little too stressful for Aliya. I think she thought it was going to be easy to catch a fish and she found out that it wasn't.

Angie and I had our nightly routine. We cleaned got the kids ready for bed and then we climbed into bed and read. I brought Angie up a Breaking Dawn so we enjoyed reading when we could!

The kids had a great time playing and pretending in the "fort"!

This is Landon's favorite thing to do! He looks forward to this more than anything when we go to the cabin. It doesn't look all that fast in the video, but they haul down this hill! You will also notice that he does not even put his feet down to slow himself. I hate watching them do this, but they love it and no one has gotten hurt yet. Thanks Dan and Angie for the great weekend. We needed it!

Breaking Dawn Release Party!!

Friday night was an exciting night!!! Nancy and I had been planning this night for along time. We even made special shirts so it would be known how excited we were.
Barnes and Noble had a trivia scavenger hunt with questions about the Twilight series hidden all over the store. Ashley, Nancy, Aunt Jenny and I had a lot of fun passing the timeby looking up questions we had no idea the answers to and chatting! At eleven thirty they kicked us out to the parking lot where we waited anxiously to get our books! We passed the time waiting by taking pictures!
Nancy and I! We sat on the cement until a GIANT cricket passed under my foot and then we decidede to stand the rest of the time. :)

Ashley made this fun shirt! Very Original. I love it!

Say cheese!

Aunt Jenny and I! She stayed until Midnight. I don't get to spend a whole lot of time with her, so it was a lot of fun!

Our custom shirts!

We had a great night.

I am a little more than half way done with Breaking Dawn! I had many many theories about this book and read many many theories about this book and none of those theories came close to what is actually happening. She surprised everyone with this one. I love it so far! Can't wait to finish.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Landon's 5th Birthday!

I can't believe my boy is 5! We had a Baseball party for him. Shocking, I know! :) He really wanted to have some friends over for a party, so that's what we did. And lucky for me he is 5 and only has a few friends! We decided to have a nine inning birthday party! In theory, this was a brilliant idea, but in reality I think I was the only one who even cared that each activity was an "inning"! It was fun anyways!

Here is the Birthday boy! He looks older already!

I love that they have so much fun together!

INNING 1! When the kids showed up I had them sign\color a game ball for Landon! Now when he is playing Baseball he will remember his 5th Birthday party!

INNING 2! Aiden playing the bean bag toss game!

INNING 3! Lunch! When I asked Landon what he wanted he said Pizza and Soda!

I tried to talk him into hot dogs, but he wanted pizza and soda and his mind is not easily changed. :)

Landon and his cousins! These boys sure have fun together. I have a feeling they will cause a lot of mischief as they get older!

INNING 4! The Pinata! Also brilliant in theory, but very dangerous in reality! Yes that is a hard bat!

No Peeking!

We ended up using the shirt over the head as an alternative to Neal's dollar tie from the DI. It was getting ruined and Neal is very attached apparently! :)

INNING 5! We played a water balloon toss game! The game ended with everyone throwing water balloons at each other. What more could you ask for?

INNING 6! Musical chairs to "Take Me Out To The Ball Game!" There are no pictures because I was too busy running the music!

INNING 7! Cake!
We decided to skip INNING 8, Batting practice! Mostly due to the fact that it was already 105 degrees outside and partly due to the fact that we ran out of time!

INNING 9! Present time!
Opening Nana and Papa's card!

The cute sporty pants Nana and Papa got him which he refuses to take off!

Money is always good and my Mom always includes a little with every present! The other presents he received were awesome, but Nana and Papa weren't here to see him open theirs, so that's why there are pictures!

The kids have been going to the Golfing Range with Neal a lot lately and so he decided to get Landon his own clubs so he doesn't have to borrow. Landon was thrilled!
Getting ready to go to dinner with Grandma and Granpa Cazier!
For dinner we went to Texas Roadhouse with Grandma and Grandpa Cazier! This is Landon's favorite resaraunt.

Daddy and Grant!
Landon climbing up on the Saddle!! So cute! "1,2,3 YEE HAA!
Sorry about the bad picture, but he must of been pretty embarrassed cause he kept putting his hand over his mouth. It was pretty funny!
Whenever we have the camera out, the kids want to take a million pictures of everyone!
Landon is such a great kid! He has a great little personality and a great imagination. A kiss and a hug from Landon can change your entire day! We love you Landaloo!!