Some of my favorite music!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Looking forward to......

new T.V.!!!!



The Office (My favorite)

(Which won't come back till January
, but I am getting excited already.)

This one makes me sad cause it is not on anymore. Gilmore Girls and The Office are the only T.V. shows we have on DVD. I have always wished I could throw around witty banter like Lorelai! It's a great show if you have never seen it.

Wow three posts today! Congrats James! :)

Tonight my baby brother got engaged. WoW, I can't believe it! He had her go on a scavenger hunt through all the places that they have had dates at. One of the stops was my house which is where they had their first kiss. The kids handed her the rose and her next clue. Right when Brittany opened the door, Grant ran up to her and gave her a big hug. So cute. Brittany is such a great girl. Beautiful, sweet and so great to James. She will sit and listen to all my kids stories, that's pretty impressive cause my kids can talk a lot. The hunt ended with him on the red hill surrounded by candles and roses. I am so happy for them and so excited to have Brittany as a sis in law!

Yee Haw!!!

The Dixie Round-Up was this weekend. Neal was at the station, but I decided the kids needed the Rodeo experience. So we went down to the "real cowboy store" and picked out cowboy hats. They all wanted cowboy boots, but I was afraid they would wear them all the time, so they all got a hat! I have a deep seeded dislike for anything cowboy. It makes no sense. No offense to anyone. I blame it on a blind date with a cowboy that went horribly wrong. During the parade we hopped on the back of the Studebaker and rode through the parade waving at everyone.

Grant had to have this hat because it matched his shirt!

Of course a pink hat!
Waving at everyone!

Cute girl!

We were leading the Engines. Neal is in one of those back there.

At the rodeo, Neal and a bunch of other people who serve the community , got to roll out a giant flag during the opening ceremonies. It was also a tribute to the 222 who served two different tours in Iraq. It was such a neat opening to the rodeo. It made me so proud to live in this community! We stayed and watched for about an hour and a half, but after taking Grant to the bathroom about four times and Landon and I discovering we were allergic to rodeos, we decided it was time to get home. It was a great day with my kids!

Sorry no pictures of the Soccer Mom's.

I feel like I have had no time to post lately! Soccer has been a lot of fun, but I am not sure how I feel about having all our Saturdays (till November) filled with soccer. Here are some cute pictures.

For Grant the best part about soccer are the snacks! This picture was taken during his game. The game he refuses to play in. Oh well! It was worth a try.

Landon is always grabbing the camera and taking a million pictures. Neal and I have very few pictures together so this one is great!

He sure looks cute in the uniform though!

Aliya looks thrilled doesn't she? She hates when I make her take pictures!

While we were walking back to the car, I looked back and saw this. They just held hands all on their own. Makes my heart melt and plus now I have proof to show them that they actually do like each other.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My new obsession!

I have wanted to get into the whole digi scrapbooking world for so long. Since all my photos are on my computer anyway and I LOVE my computer, I decided to dive in. I got Photoshop Elements, downloaded all the freebies (paper, embellisments, etc....) out there and tried to teach myself the program. After a couple of weeks of fiddling around, I decided I needed some help. It's all very overwhelming. I found this wonderful wonderful lady with the help of Shanna!
I left her a comment and she emailed me right away with info about a FREE online course she teaches. I ignored my family for two hours and listened to this smart lady teach the basics of digi scrapping. With the info fresh in my mind I decided to try it. I wasn't overwhelmed at all. Didn't yell at the computer at all. This is the page I did. It's not great and it's not very creative, but I am pretty darn proud of it.

A prayer in my heart for Grant!

Well, my baby started preschool today! I had one little prayer in my heart as I drove away from him: "Heavenly Father please please please don't let him pull down his pants and pee out on the playground."

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Soccer, Soccer and more Soccer!!

This picture was taken right before Neal yelled at Aliya to push a girl that kept pushing Aliya out of the way! I supplied Neal with some appropriate phrases to yell out at next weeks game. Such as: "Great Job Sweetheart!" or "Good Hussle!" NOT "Aliya, if that girl keeps pushing you, push her back." I advised him to quietly call Aliya over and then, in private, tell her to push her back. :)

Today was the first Games of the soccer season! Landon is playing for the first time and so is Grant!! Having three kids in soccer is going to be a little hectic! I discovered today that I am not a very good Soccer Mom!! It was hot outside! A lot of people had those giant umbrellas. That will be first on my shopping list this week. I only had one Gatorade for each kid and NO WATER for three hours of games. Don't even ask me what I was thinking. Aliya and Landon slept at the Grandparent's house last night so I must have fried some brain cells sleeping in!! Grant is the young one on his team and he only made it through half of his game. We will see how next week goes. Aliya did awesome and had a lot of fun! Landon was extremely tired from sleeping at Grandma's, but he ran his little heart out. Every time he would kick the ball he would slide. I kept having to remind him that it's not baseball. Overall it was a good day. We were all tired and I hope next week is not so hot. Thanks Shanna for letting me share in some of your shade!! I strive to be as prepared as you next week. :) I will post more Soccer pictures and maybe some video in the coming weeks.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Fun Weekend!!

We had such a great weekend! My Mom and Dad came to visit and we sure crammed a lot into their short trip.

Aliya made a countdown sign! While they were sick they slacked a bit, but she had linked 14 rings and they tore one off every day!

Baby Trey turned ONE and we had a cute Pirate themed birthday party for him at my house. He was so cute with the cupcake. He loved it, but he sure knew when he was done with it! Look at those blue eyes!!

The kids were diggin the pirate theme!

Of course we had to go to In n Out!!
Grant loves to take pictures with my phone.

On Saturday night I got a babysitter! I got to go to dinner AND a movie without kids. It was a lot of fun hanging out with my siblings and my mom and dad! We went to Olive Garden. The food was great! We even sat next to a vampire! He was no Edward though! The movie was not so good! Oh well! I was just happy to be out!

My Parent's left Monday morning. :( It had been two months since I had seen my Mom and probably about four months since I had seen my Dad, so it was really nice to be with them! After Neal had been gone all weekend, with school starting and Neal's tendency to work all of the time, we decided we needed some long overdue family time! We headed to Pine Valley Mountain for some hiking. We went on a fun, easy trail and played in the creek!

The water was freezing!!

Landon balancing himself so he dosen't fall!

I love that when I point to my cheek the boys know that it's time to give Mama kisses!!

Aliya balancing herself on a pipe!

Grant is always taking his sweet little time to explore. One of us always stays behind him or he will disappear to go follow a butterfly or inspect a rock. He is a curious little one!

Landon had a very difficult time staying on the trail. He wanted to climb every rock and look along down every edge!

He also took a lot of breaks! He loves his Cubs backpack so much and he didn't want to get it dirty.

Mommy's turn to walk with Grant! I only tripped about a half dozen times! My kids can walk better than I can.

Trying not to fall in!

Cute boys!!

We love hiking!!
"Come on guys, We have only been hiking for ten minutes."

We had a great day! I can't wait to do it again!