Some of my favorite music!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

I hope there is teacher supervision behind those portables!

The first week of school went great! Landon has had a few moments of stress, but has decided that he loves school! He has earned his sticker everyday and in return he earned a half an hour of computer time. :) His teacher is so calm and layed back. I love it! It's exactly the kind of teacher he needs to counteract his "vibrant" personality! He even wanted me to just drop him off at the front of the school with Aliya. What? It's only been two days of watching him on the playground and then walking him to class when the bell rings and now he just wants to do it himself? What a big boy! Aliya has had a good week also. The mornings have been fun trying to drag her out of bed. She has already come home with playground drama. A girl in the class is going on a date with a boy in the class. When I asked where they are going on their date, she said BEHIND THE PORTABLES. Oh my heck! Are you kidding me? The portables?? Did I even know what a date was when I was in third grade? I told her that if a boy asks her to go behind the portables to say "NO WAY"! She said "don't worry Mom, I am way too busy kicking the boys butts in soccer." :) I told Neal this and he sure liked that answer.


Shanna said...

K, I guess I have a little quizing of Brooklynn to do and get her prepared. What was the girls' name, do you know?

Misty (Hesch) Walker said...

holy cow... if 3rd graders are going behind portables, by the time Lo gets to school it'll be orgies on the merry-go-round. just great.