Some of my favorite music!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

The day the kids almost died! (according to them)

My dad has always taken the kids on these adventures. Typically on a Sunday afternoon when the Mom needs a break from all the days events. At my parents old house Papa took them down to a stream full of tad poles and lots of mud. They would walk back with Grant in the rear and we would hose them off. Great fun!! When my parents moved, the kids were worried their adventures would be no more. They were wrong. When we went to visit with Misty and Lo, Papa decided to find a new adventure place. On the way to this new adventure place they ventured into an opening in the trees. There lied a dead rotting carcass of some large animal. They all looked at my Dad and burst into tears. They ALL started screaming "We're going to die." They made it to their desired adventure place without dieing . My dad lead them home safely and they were all very tired. When the boys were retelling the story, they said Aliya couldn't come next time cause she was too scared and she was a cry baby. Hehehe. I love it!


Hesch said...

haha, that's hilarious. I never knew that story. That's soo crazy!!!!

James Hesch said...

haha i remember that day.. 2 hours of them being gone, dad calls. k go into the backyard and look to your right and we did and on the mountain far away we see like 5 people and its papa and the kids.. haha oh my. your kids will stay in excellent shape thats for sure!!!