Some of my favorite music!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

"Take me out to the ball game....."

Whenever we can we try to get over to the park to play baseball. This time we decided to go pick up our little nephew, Aiden. This kid will make you laugh and he is oblivious to the fact that he is being funny! Neal was trying to teach him how to hold the bat and how to swing. All of the sudden, Aiden says "Hold on Uncle Neal." He then proceeds to take off his jacket and starts pumping his arms up and down. Neal asked him what he was doing and he said he had to flex his muscles and stretch if he was going to play baseball. I know it doesn't sound funny and if I wasn't laughing hysterically I could of gotten a visual for you.

Aliya loves to show up the boys whenever she can. And she can hit that ball every time. She continues to amaze me.

Landon is of course the reason for these trips to the park. He is starting to show interest in his other toys though. Like using his light savor as a bat. Or pretending lightning Mcqueen is on the Chicago Cubs. Or building a baseball bat out of legos! When Aiden asked Landon how come he can hit the ball so good, Landon just replied with "It's cause I'm really good."

Grant loves to play also, but most of the time he just wanders around the field picking up the balls and putting them back in the bucket or chases the bugs or digs a big hole at first base!


Misty (Hesch) Walker said...

That is so fun. As much as I loathe baseball... I think I can suffer thru for him.

♥ et said...

That looks like so much fun! I really hope you're gonna put him in Tball this year, if he's old enough, I guess. Does Aliya want to play in any form of organized sport, or just her performing? You guys are such a great fam!

Shanna said...

I can't wait for Dax to get bigger, Carter doesn't show much interest in baseball. I guess he doesn't realize baseball is his uncles life.

James Hesch said...

hahahahahaha "its cause im really good" I can so picture Landon saying that. that is so funny!! that looks like a lot of fun. is it winter down there or is it still summer? haha playing baseball with shorts and short sleeve shirt - yeah its winter in stg hahaha. thats so funny about Landon. haha