It was such a nice day, so we decided to go to the fun new park and play in the water. The water was not on yet so Spencer and Grant found this fun mud puddle. Angie and I were just happy that they were staying close and keeping busy.
And then they decided to lie down in the gross mud puddle.
This should of been a hint of events to come. :)
Angie and I realized we hadn't seen the two little ones in a few minutes, so we started searching for them. This is how we found them. In the volleyball pit running around naked in the sand. There was a row of kids just standing there with their mouths wide open and of course lots of people staring and laughing. I just had to grab my camera. I am sure they both just had to pee and decided to just take their suits off and pee right there in the sand. That's a nice thought, huh? What funny boys! I blame Angie, her kids love to be naked. hehe :)
Oh my gosh!! Definitely Cazier Craziness.
hahah of course Grant is in some kind of mud. haha that's so funny and why were they naked? haha you just stripped them down and hosed them down haha. Grant is always gettin into something haha
Holy strippers!!
what exhibitionists! That is really, really funny! I can't believe the other people just started and didn't come find the mamas!
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