Some of my favorite music!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fort Warden beach day!

This was one of my favorite days! We drove the beautiful drive to the beach! It was so amazingly gorgeous! The kids could of stayed all day! The water was freezing, but they didn't care!
Lo and I! I love this girl!

Not sure what he was looking at, but he was so excited!
Landon could not stay out of the water! He loves the ocean!
She is so sweet, how could I not share my peach with her!!

Eating some lunch!!
This is my favorite photo EVER!! They are so cute!
Wow, Misty and I had some pretty girls!!
The kids made a fort! They were so proud of it!!
Can't remember what it was that they made, but they wanted a picture with it. :)
Cute baby girl!!
Taking Tully for a swim!!
Goof ball!
With the fort again!
Landon that dog is bigger than you!
Love it!
Now that's a beach body! :)
And.... the fort again!
After I took this she tried to eat my toes! haha... Maybe she thought my toes were covered in sugar!

They kept catching all of the washed up dead things! Gross!
We love the sand (in every knook and cranny)!
King of the ocean!
It was such a great day until Tully threw up in the back of Misty's car after drinking so much sea water! haha :)

1 comment:

Misty (Hesch) Walker said...

hahaha... what a crack up! There is no need to worry about boredom when they are together! And I forgot about Tully puking... gives me the willies thinking about it.